
Our commitments

Our environnemental approach

Our environmental approach

Each year, CentraleSupelec is committed to preserving the environment within the Raid and the Night N’ Day. This commitment is essential in a context of dwindling resources and climate change. This commitment to preserving the landscapes through which we make our competitors run is reflected in the environmental management system of our association.

Our approach has enabled us to be certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard since July 2005.

This certification ensures the effectiveness and the sustainability of our environmental commitments. It is also a guarantee of seriousness for our partners and local authorities.

Our association is therefore committed to the following points, which correspond to a significant proportion of the expenditure items identified in our carbon footprint: limiting emissions due to travel, both to the events and on site, responsible waste management, distribution of eco-cups, and the rational use of paper (90% of our communication materials carry the Imprim’Vert label), as well as travelling by train instead of by cars to the place of the Raid. Also, only vegetarian menus for both concurrents and staffers are made available at the Night’N’Day. This allows us to reduce our carbon footprint per competitor every year.

We also carry out internal actions, which we strengthened after signing the Charter that Impact, CentraleSupélec’s ecological association, published. This year, we decided to reduce the number of association textiles per member, to buy local products, to have a more reasoned gestion of internal emails, which contribute to a large part of our carbon emissions. Finally, we organize formations to raise all of our members awareness about the protection of our environnement.

Politique 2023

Projected 2023 carbon footprint

ISO14001 Standard

Reusable dishes

Selective sorting

Reasoned use

Our quality approach

Our quality approach

The essence of our quality approach is the training of the members of the association. The organising team is composed of 80 members, led by second year students. Thus, at the end of the year, a new team in charge of our invents is elected and the experience and know-how acquired are transmitted from one year to the next one.

The Raid, which has been ISO 9001 certified since 2009, is committed to a process of continuous improvement. Throughout the year, our progress is compared to the objectives set by the association’s policy according to measurable indicators on a dashboard, so that we can work on our weaknesses. In addition, a risk and opportunity management approach, combined with the study of stakeholder expectations, allows us to ensure the quality of our offer and its improvement.

Student-companies meeting

The Raid CentraleSupélec is intended to be a privileged place of exchange between company employees and students of the Grandes Ecoles and foreign universities. In this sporting context of surpassing oneself, each moment of the race is thus conducive to meeting, and offers the teams the opportunity to create a unique link.


Training courses

ISO9001 Standard

Team renewal


Our Inclusive Approach

As a committed sports association, the Raid CentraleSupélec is multiplying its inclusive actions.  Among them, we can mention :

  • its collaboration with Hagir, the school’s disability awareness association, which includes the organization of joëlette races on campus
  • its partnership with the humanitarian association Dunes d’Espoir, which allows many people with reduced mobility to take part to the Raid, by providing joëlettes for the race. The Night N’Day, the flagship inclusive event of the Saclay plateau, as well as the Raid, are thus open to disabled competitors and will be able to welcome mixed disabled and handicapped teams;
  • its brand new partnership with the association Handicap à l’École, which will be organizing activities to raise awareness of the various forms of disability in the Night and Day activity village;
  • its collaboration with the Bullion hospital, through which the Night and Day race passes and where the school’s brass band, the Bande à Joe, is placed, in order to liven up the daily life of children with disabilities in this establishment
  • its search for parity, by the obligation of the presence of at least one woman in each team competing in the Night and Day and the Raid.


The association is now seeking to confirm its commitment to people with disabilities by obtaining the “100% Handinamic Student Association” label this year. This label is awarded by the Fédé 100% Handinamique, a national organization committed to the autonomy and success of young people with disabilities.


Through these commitments, the Raid CentraleSupélec wishes to make its events inclusive and accessible to everyone; but the association also aspires, by raising awareness and deconstructing prejudices, to actively participate in the inclusion of minorities.


During the 2025 edition of the Night N’Day, you will have the opportunity to take part to this action, by putting together a joëlette crew. The crews will be made up of experienced Dunes d’Espoir riders and volunteer competitors.


You can also help us to make our events inclusive: for any suggestion or request for information, please contact the Inclusion Manager at


Handisport : La Fédé




Security is a fundamental value of our organization, and is therefore our top priority.

All members of the association are regularly sensitized to minimise risks. Daily, we do our best to avoid any danger, but if this is not enough, more than half of the staff receive first aid training (SST, PSC1) in order to have the first tools necessary to deal with an emergency situation.

During our races, the Raid CentraleSupélec calls upon doctors specialized in such events. We have been working with Dokever for 20 years. This company has adequate and powerful resources at its disposal to respond to all emergency situations that we may encounter and ensure the safety of our competitors.

During the race, our specific organization allows us to minimize the risks. In particular, we need to keep a close eye on the evolution and position of our competitors. To do this, each team is equipped with a GPS tracker that allows us to locate it, and members of the organization are regularly positioned on the race. The entire team is in constant communication, thanks to many well-organized whatsapp group, a special awareness to SMS, and each member of the staff being joinable all the time. So there is no shadow on the race, and this allows us to intervene very quickly in case of emergency.
Also, last year, none of our tracks was more than 10 minutes away from a road where secourist could pass. So, as soon as a problem was detected, it was possible to intervene in a very short period of time

Training courses


Radio coverage

Medical assistance